
More griffon vultures tagged in the Rhodope Mountains

27 June 2018  |  LIFE Vultures news, News

During the end of June seven vultures were successfully measured, biologically sampled and tagged with rings and wing tags in the Rhodope Mountains of Bulgaria. The tagging operation will add to the valuable data currently being used to support the recovery and territorial expansion of the birds.

Rewilding Rhodopes team welcomed a newborn bison

20 June 2018  |  News

Rewilding Rhodopes team welcomed a newborn bison last week. Both mother and the calf are doing well, with the team monitoring the bison family on a daily basis. At birth, calves are quite small, weighing between 15 and 35 kg.

Five more black vultures tagged as LIFE Vultures project progresses

14 November 2017  |  News

The birds, tagged with GPS transmitters in Dadia National Park in Greece, will offer additional insight into black vulture behaviour and movement on and around the Balkan Peninsula. By supporting conservation measures, this will hopefully reinforce the comeback of this magnificent yet endangered species.

Children celebrate International Vulture Awareness Day in the Rhodopes

8 September 2017  |  LIFE Vultures news, News

The first weekend in September saw a crowd of more than 40 people gather in the town of Madzharovo, in Bulgaria’s Rhodope Mountains, to mark International Vulture Awareness Day Taking place across the world on this weekend every year, the day is designed to publicise and promote the conservation of vultures to a global audience, and to celebrate the splendour of these endangered birds.

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