Rewilding Rhodopes Foundation and “Wild Forest” Honey with first collaboration with local producer

22 May 2024

The Rewilding Rhodopes Foundation (RRF) is delighted to announce an exciting new partnership with “Wild Forest” Honey, a local producer of organically certified honey. This collaboration aims to create the start of a market for nature-based products and enhance sustainable business opportunities in the Eastern Rhodope Mountains.

A Shared Mission for Sustainability

The Rewilding Rhodopes Foundation and “Wild Forest” Honey share a common mission: to promote biodiversity and sustainable development in the Eastern Rhodopes. This partnership will bring greater visibility to the importance of nature-based products and demonstrate how sustainable practices can benefit both the environment and the local economy.

Collaborative Branding for Greater Impact

A key component of this partnership is the collaborative branding initiative. RRF and “Wild Forest” Honey will co-brand products to highlight their commitment to conservation and sustainability. This collaborative branding will feature a Rewilding sicker that emphasizes the environmental benefits of “Wild Forest” Honey products. By co-branding, both organizations aim to increase awareness about the importance of supporting nature-based products and encourage a stronger connection between consumers and the conservation efforts in the Eastern Rhodopes.

Creating a Wilder Market for Nature-Based Products

“Wild Forest” Honey is renowned for its organic honey, which is harvested from the diverse and pristine flora of the Rhodope Mountains, currently they produce three varieties of honey – forest herbs, forest herbs with oak, and pure oak honey. This partnership will highlight the importance of supporting conservation-friendly products and create a market that values sustainability. By leveraging RRF’s expertise in conservation and “Wild Forest” Honey’s commitment to quality, this collaboration aims to inspire consumers and other businesses to make choices that benefit the environment.

Image : (c) Steffan Widstrand/Rewilding Europe
Staffan Widstrand / Rewilding Europe

Building a Sustainable Business Network

One of the key objectives of this partnership is to foster more collaborations with local businesses, creating a strong network dedicated to sustainable development and circular economy principles. The Rewilding Rhodopes Foundation is committed to working with local entrepreneurs to promote practices that protect and enhance the natural landscape while driving economic growth.

Future Partnerships and Local Business Support

Our organization aims to expand its network by encouraging more local businesses to join their mission. Through training sessions, workshops, and collaborative projects, RRF will provide local entrepreneurs with the tools and knowledge they need to adopt sustainable practices. This will help create a resilient and sustainable business community in the Eastern Rhodope Mountains.

Embracing a Circular Economy

At the heart of this initiative is the concept of a circular economy, where resources are used efficiently, waste is minimized. This approach ensures long-term sustainability and economic viability, preserving the unique biodiversity of the Eastern Rhodopes for future generations.

Inspired by Rewilding Greater Coa Valley’s Success

This innovative approach to branding and business networking is inspired by the successful initiatives undertaken by Rewilding Portugal. The Rewilding Greater Coa Valley has effectively integrated conservation efforts with local business development, creating a powerful model for sustainable economic growth. By establishing a network of nature-based enterprises in 2021, They have demonstrated how collaborative efforts can lead to thriving markets that support both local economies and biodiversity.

RRF is adopting similar strategies to replicate this success in the Eastern Rhodope Mountains. Drawing on the experiences and best practices from Rewilding Portugal, We aim to create a vibrant network of local businesses that champion sustainable practices and contribute to the region’s ecological and economic resilience.

Leveraging Rewilding Europe Capital

To further accelerate the development of a nature-based economy in the Eastern Rhodopes, We plan to utilize Rewilding Europe Capital (REC). REC is a small loan facility of Rewilding Europe designed to support businesses that deliver conservation impacts alongside economic returns. By providing financial support and investment, REC can enable local entrepreneurs to scale up their sustainable businesses, create new job opportunities, and contribute to the Rewilding efforts in the region. This financial backing will help ensure the long-term success of the collaborative efforts between RRF and local businesses, fostering a thriving, sustainable economy rooted in the principles of nature conservation and circular economy.

Looking to the Future

We are excited about the potential of this partnership to set a new standard for sustainable business and conservation efforts in the region. By creating a supportive environment for local businesses, we aim to inspire broader participation in sustainable development and conservation initiatives.

Currently the products of “Wild Forest” can be ordered from their Facebook page and be found in ZOYA Organic.


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